Instagram is not finished enhancing and developing stories, their “Snapchat like” videos option, and reports from a Russian tech site states that the application is in its testing phase and may be really close to launch a live video transmission embedded in Stories.
Since Stories was released, the option has been growing popularity and continues to gain traction into a market that was dominated by Snapchat. But the incorporation of a live video option could change the dynamics of this market completely.
Instagram, being a property of Facebook, has their support and know how to add this functionality that could translate into important revenue, by offering a new outlet for large media corporations advertisement.
While it hasn’t been confirmed by the company, several tech sources have heard rumors for more than a year that Instagram is aiming to launch their live video capabilities any time in the near future. Also they are working hard on developing virtual reality for mobile device and could be seeing this live video technology as a bridge to achieve this.
As of now, the live video option has been only being seen in a beta version of the Android app but whenever it hits the market, it will definitely alter the presence in the market of Snapchat – that’s releasing their Spectacles lenses as way to expand their reach - and Instagram.